Friday, January 29, 2010

Lucy is getting so HUGE! She is in the 80th percentile for her weight and her doctor says that she is just perfect. She has been sleeping really well at night and taking pretty good naps, but she seems to get really confused when we break from the routine. Yesterday she refused to sleep after a trip to Babies R Us and was just miserable. I think we will just make our trips out really, really short until she is old enough to stay awake for longer periods of time.

Lucy continues to be such a sweet, quiet and happy little baby unless she is overtired (mommy's fault) or someone is trying to make her drink from a bottle. She has decided that she will not be a bottle drinker and that is ok with us as long as she keeps up her good sleeping habits.

In addition to being precious and adorable, Lucy has also started to babble, saying "ohhh" and "ahhhhh" and smiling like crazy! I think she has actually started to notice the dog too!!! Her little hands are open and grasping and slapping at her toys, but she is still kind of spastic in her movements. She loves smiling and giggling at her daddy at night before bed and LOVES listening to the Be good Tanyas while she takes her morning baths.

Can't wait for everybody to meet her!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, so not fair... I should totally know her already. :(
    Not sure which pic is the best, I love them all. Yay Melissa on fattening up your little girl just right. I'm so happy and proud of you. Ryden is a bottle baby now 3 days a week and thank god it is working. He also napped really well today for his nanny... YAY!!!

    anyways, can't wait to meet her someday soon.
