Saturday, August 22, 2009

I'm in the 3rd Trimester Now!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks! We recently decided to to move to Atlanta and Mike and I have spent the last week searching for a rental home there. Next, we will negotiate all of the details of moving cross-country by the first week of September. We are planning to have all of out stuff and the fuzzy bear relocated to our new home in Peachtree hills by September 5th! I think everyone knows how much I dislike living in Irvine, CA. and how anxious I have been to get back to the East Coast. Although this has been a tough couple of weeks and will probably be stressful for a bit longer; I am so excited about moving! The new house in Atlanta is MUCH LARGER, it has a great back and front yard, and it is in a really beautiful neighborhood. We have sent all of the paperwork for the house...soooo...keep your fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly :)

I am mostly concerned about air travel with our dog. This is probably a a needless worry, but honestly I just can't help it. I will feel 100% better and all stress will be gone when Chica's four little paws safely touch down in Atlanta.

Ok here's the scoop on The Baby Dill. We had our 26 week Dr. appointment at the beginning of August and the doctor said that the baby is actually measuring a week larger than we thought. This is good news because she is growing wonderfully and actually getting so big that Mike felt her kick for the first time last week! On August 8th we had another ultrasound and again we were told that our little girl is measuring about a week and a half larger. My due date has not changed and I'm thinking that The Babydill is just having a nice growth spurt.
After about a week of complaining about it, I finally drank the Glucola liquid (GROSS) and went in for the gestational diabetes test. My last OB appointment with my CA doctor is on Friday August 28 and I will get the results then. Luckily, MAx and Shelly, Mike's friend's in Atlanta just had their second baby and Shelly has provided me with recommendations for a new OB and pediatrician. Also, Mike's sister, Caroline lives in Atlanta and has sent us loads of information that will help make the move much easier.

I have been feeling pretty good except for some indigestion and inability to sleep. I am getting accustomed to always being tired and I think Mike is getting used to hearing me complain incessantly about all of the gross things happening to my body.

Hope everybody is well and happy :)


  1. YAY!! Even though I am going to miss you so much, especially considering what we are now sharing together, I am so happy for you guys! I bet the house is just lovely and I will keep my fingers crossed for you four (hehe... four).
    I, too, am so happy that you updated.

  2. I can't believe you'll be settled in ATL in less than 2 weeks!! How exciting! PS you look amazing.
