Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Registry stuff

Ben and Miles :)

I spent the day with Mike's cousin Ashley yesterday and she really helped to ease my fears about labor and delivery.  She has two beautiful baby boys and speaks from recent experience. Ben is now entering the terrible twos and Miles is now six weeks old.  I am so thankful for calm, reassuring friends and family because I tend to be a worrier.  Thanks Ashley!!!  Ashley also stressed that I should have a baby shower, but because most of my friends and family are so far away I am reluctant.  I did register for a couple of things at Target, Babies R Us and Bergstrom's, but right now it is functioning as a to d0- list.  I finally ordered some diapers today and I can't wait to see them!!!    My lovely friend Jackie works for a local baby company called Balboa Baby and she gifted a beautiful baby sling and nursing cover to us on the last day of class.  Things re coming together :)

1 comment:

  1. Awe... yay for things coming together. It feels so good. Can you believe we have the entire baby's room cleaned out? I can't! You are going to be so excited when your diapers come. I know I was. I just ordered some onsies from a site called Wild Dill last night. I thought of you guys cause of the name. Did you get the black and white sling? The girls at work are doing more of a baby lucheon for me, so maybe we can do the same for you. It will be less formal and not seem like as much of a hassle. Heck, maybe we could have a BBQ at my place for you. Let me know!!

    luvs ya,
