Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hi Everybody,

My 22 week doctor appointment was yesterday and everything is right on track. The baby's heartbeat is strong and My belly is growing perfectly! I've gained about 15 pounds, but it feels like 50! I've been walking longer and more often, but unfortunately it's been mostly by myself because Chica is getting a little too old to keep up. Yesterday Chica had a tooth pulled and is now recovering on the kitchen floor with some puppy-painkillers.

Next week I will go in for another ultrasound to check the babies heart. Although
I'm feeling great and all my blood work is looking good my doctor still is treating me like a high-risk patient because of my history of showing some markers for Lupus. I don't think it will be a problem, but I'm happy to be overly cautious :) Mike is doing really great and has been so supportive and helpful, even when I'm super grumpy and demanding.
That's it for now...Love all of you!


  1. you look cute and your boobs are getting bigger:) I bet Mike don't mind....miss you

  2. Ross will be glad to know that I'm not the only one that is grumpy and demanding. :) love you, you look great!!

  3. oh yay, new blog and I just noticed!! I can see your belly better here than in at the shower. Love it!! and you got your new couch and changed your living room. Have fun at your next ultrasound.
